Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How to become a "follower"

There has been a bit of speculation as to how to "follow" my blog so you can comment.

1. Press the button "follow" (it's to the right of this post)
2. Then press whichever account you already use. This must be either Google Gmail, Yahoo Mail or a Twitter Account. If you do not currently use any of these providers I sadly don't think you can be a follower. Frustrating I know :( But you can always create a fake email haha.
3. If you do have gmail, yahoo mail or twitter click on the appropriate account and sign in using the username and password corresponding to your existing account. From here I think it's pretty self-explanatory? I'm not sure since I can't follow my own blog and try. Maybe Heather you have a suggestion as to how you did it?

If you have any questions please email me :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Computer 3D Modeling

For j-term I took a class on Rhino 3D Modeling, a computer modeling program. It was very interesting and a lot of work! We learned all the basics of how to use this fancy program. You have to make everything from scratch and build it up. It's a little complicated to talk about, you sort of have to see the program in action but take a look at their webpage to get an idea. For our final projects we were to choose a movie prop and recreate it. I chose Walle from the movie Walle. He's a cute little robot guy that proved to be very difficult! Here are some snapshots of my final piece.

p.s. If you ever want a closer look at any of the photos I post you can click on them for an individual larger version.

Future Housemates!

It's official, my current roommate Kristen and I are going to be living in our same house next year. There had been talks about moving across the street to a larger home but plans fell through. We have come to the decision that we are pleased to be staying here another year. It eliminates the cost of paying another housing deposits, the hassle of moving and finding/buying a storage unit for the awkward time between houses, and it allows us to leave for Europe right when class gets out instead of having to wait for our lease to be up and move houses! We will be welcoming a new roommate, named Katie. She's a good friend of both of us and conveniently lives in the duplex attached to ours. She practically already lives with us right now so we're excited for next year, we know it will be a good match all three of us!

Katie is the brunette and Kristen is the blond.



I have been inspired by my fellow designers at my new internship with Premier Media Group to start a blog. I have decided to start a blog for 2 reasons: 1) to fill in all my lovely relatives and friends afar of my life and 2) to include you in my planning for a trip my roommate and I are taking to France in May in the hopes you may have any little tips :)

I was pleased to discover last December that I would be interning at Premier Media Group starting in January. Premier Media Group publishes two magazines, 425 Magazine, which focuses on the Eastside (for those of you not from Washington that is the Eastside of Lake Washington, like Kirkland/Bellevue for example) and the South Sound Magazine which focuses on the greater Tacoma area where I reside at school. When I found out I could potentially be designing for such local magazines I was very excited, what fun! I began interning a few weeks back and have loved every minute. It has been such a great experience, I actually get to help design article spreads. I have two designers who oversee my work, who are both great to work with and a lot of fun! They started a new thing this year called Daily Design Challenges. They're 10 minutes of creative silliness to keep our minds fresh. We pull a topic out of the box every day and get 10 minutes to make a design. To see some of our work go to, Design Challenges

I feel very blessed to have had (and be having) the opportunity to intern at such great companies. For those of you who don't know, I also spent this last summer interning full-time at Pierce Transit. Pierce Transit is Pierce County's (Tacoma Area) Transit system. I grew a lot as a graphic designer over the summer, gaining confidence and experience. I managed my own Marketing Requests from my Marketing Advisor from start to finish. This means I contacted the client (usually a person within Pierce Transit), created the design, went through proofing and then printed/mounted or whatever needed to be done for it. I spent a lot of my time designing A-board signs to go up around town, designing Bus Stop signs for Special Events, designing In-House Materials for events, designing Zip Code Maps, photographing bus stop destinations for the Website and cutting cutting cutting out signs. I learned how to perfect the art of using an exacto knife, only slicing a tiny piece of my thumb once. I also had a taste of the real-world working 8-5 in an office. Boy do you learn to go to bed early, just ask my roommate. Overall it was a great experience, taught me a lot about designing in the real world, how to communicate clearly and effectively with clients, and enough about buses to tell the world. :)

Anywho hope you enjoy reading this blog as it takes you through my life and eventually into Europe!
