Friday, October 22, 2010

AIGA Into the Woods

I had the privilege to attend AIGA's Into the Woods. It is a design conference that happens about every 2-3 years in Leavenworth, WA and brings together all sorts of design professionals from Seattle and a handful of lucky students. My design classmate, Nicole and I signed up to be student volunteers which helps pay the way and then sent proposal after proposal to get further funding from our school for the conference. We were so thankful to be successful with the financial side of it because the conference turned out to way exceed our expectations. It was a weekend full of workshops, important speakers, meeting cool design professionals and eating amazing food. We stayed at the Sleeping Lady, which was perfect for a conference, we actually felt like we were at camp. The resort is equipped with clusters of cabins (5 star cabins to be exact), a dining hall, a chapel, spa/pool/hot tub/, recroom and mini cabins for workshops. Overall it was a wonderful place to stay at.

The conference itself was so inspiring, I came back from the weekend refreshed and ready to plunge into all my design, personal and at the magazine.

Here's a few photos of some of the fun we had. Friday night was a costume party themed to Oktoberfest (which is huge in the german Leavenworth town). On a college budget, Nicole and I decided to twin yodeler boys...also pictured was our conference roommate from Chicago who was a beer maiden. And the last picture is us with the beer glasses we received at a workshop on package design--specifically beer packaging labels. All in all, we came to the conclusion that designers really like beer.