Monday, May 24, 2010

T-minus 6 days!

Can you believe how much time has flown by? Kristen and I are officially leaving for Paris in less than a week (sunday to be exact). I don't think it's quite hit us as we are busy finishing up finals and work. I've been printing out all our reservations, finalizing my packing list and getting jetlag tips from friends. I'm not sure how much blogging I'll be able to do while abroad, as we're not bringing computers with us. But I'll be sure to check in from time to time when we visit internet cafes. Stay tuned for some fun stories and photos when I get back :) Until then, hope everyone is enjoying their transition into summer and that you're weather is better than ours (Seattle hasn't acknowledged summer yet...). Au revoir!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bbq & Bonfires

Saturday was absolutely gorgeous. This called for putting off homework for the day and enjoying the sun. My neighbor (and future roomie in 2 weeks) was dog sitting a little Jack Russell Terrier. So we took him for a walk to Starbucks and then spent the afternoon on Foss Field running around with the puppy. Feeling adventurous, we ran around buying burgers and dogs to bbq for the evening, as well as s'mores makings. We ended our night roasting s'mores by the fire. Definitely a great day in the sun! 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

College Night at the Mariners

Last Thursday evening was College night at the Mariners. Kristen, Katie and I headed up to Seattle for the evening to watch some baseball. It started out nice and sunny but as you can see by our bundled clothing it turned a little chilly. We ended up losing pretty badly. Since losing causes people to leave we were able to sneak our way up to the front rows! That can make losing a little more fun, and of course the $2 hotdogs put us in good spirits!!

p.s. Can you believe that we leave for Paris in 2 1/2 weeks?! I don't think it's hit either of us yet though...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Relay for Life

Last night was Relay for Life. It's an event to celebrate, honor and remember those who have had cancer. All the money raised goes towards the American Cancer Society and as of this morning PLU students have raised $30,000. Quite an accomplishment! It's a really great event, and survivors come to be honored and there's a nighttime luminary ceremony. Overall we had a good time, except for when it started raining. My team didn't end up staying the night, but I headed back in the morning for the Closing Ceremony and final lap :)